
FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions

Do you Ship Products all India ?

Yes, we do ship product all India & Free Ship for Purchase Above ₹2000.

Do You Have any Authorized Dealership for Supplements ?

Yes ofcourse, we do have, you can check our certification and authorization by visiting this link :


Are your Products Available for Wholesale as well ?

Yes, Please Contact us to inquire about wholesale/distribution oppurtunities.

Where Do I Enter The Coupon Code ?

Your Coupon Code Can Either be Entered in the Cart Page or in the Checkout Page while Completing your Order.

How to Check Authenticity of Supplements ?

Click the link and learn how to authenticate your product.


What if any Product will damage during Shipment ?

According to Condition Return & Refund will be Initiated within 2-3 Days but only condition is *A Proof of delivery must be recorded while Receiving The Order. For More Information Check our Return & Refund Policy

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